Between tonight and tomorrow there will be a Full Blue Supermoon. No, it won’t actually be blue, that term just means it's the third full moon of the season. It's super and will look bigger than normal because it's closer to Earth, it's rare and there won't be another Blue Supermoon until January 2037!
Normally I suggest releasing with a full moon, but because of this rare moon I'd like to encourage you to think of this an opportunity to both accept and release. I love the quote from Carl Rogers, a psychologist and researcher, who said “the curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
Here are 5 simple journaling prompts you can use to reflect on the past month and decide on something to release under the full moon tonight.
Over the last lunar cycle, I learned to accept …
I have felt dark or heavy over the last cycle because I've been ignoring…
I have felt light (confident, joy, gratitude, calm, progress or bright) over the last cycle when…
I accept myself for …
I give myself permission to release feeling ________________ when _______________.
I love intentional practices that help me feel connected to the earth so a simple way to practice a Full Moon release is to stand outside (ideally barefoot), look at the moon, say your release outload, if you wrote down what you want to release destroy the paper either by tearing it up or lighting it on fire (safely of course).
Let me know what you decide to release! I’d love to help you create some simple happy habits to help it stick.
Have a beautiful evening,
✨🫶💖 Morgan