Putting words to feelings can be tricky!
I’ve been obsessed with ✨feeling light✨ for years but I’m still working on articulating what it means to me and through my work with Light 56. I love the classic Feelings Wheel but wanted something the really focuses on the key pillars of Light 56 - Gratitude, Joy, Progress over Perfection, Confidence, Being Anchored and living a Bright Life ✨💕✨
This Feeling Light Wheel will evolve overtime, but in the spirit of progress over perfection I want to share it with you…

My hope is that it will help you put words to the feelings of lightness, both that you’ve experienced and those you would like to have more of in your life.
My word (not necessarily for the year - just in general 😉) is Light and in this particular season I’ve been leaning into Progress, Becoming & Ready.
Would love to hear what resonates with you or what you think is missing!?
I wish vulnerability & magic made the final cut - the original list had more than 250!
A printable version is included with the FREE Tracker & guide here
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