Light 56 is an 8-week accountability program with a unique framework for building lasting habits and practices in a kind, supportive and joyful way. The goal is to intentionally practice your ABCs for 8-weeks (56 days) so that you FEEL lighter in your life.
✨This 8-week program includes weekly lessons on topics including:
Realistic Goal Setting (and why the way you've been setting goals in the past hasn't worked)
Giving Yourself Permission
Practicing Failing & Resetting
Avoiding Avoidance & Procrastination - Write your Dirty Laundry List
Habit building and self-reflection
Fun! It's not just for kids
Self Love & Positive Psychology
Shame & Being Brave
Harnessing the power of the moon
✨ Access to a private online community
Connect with other Light 56 members
Get questions answered by coach Morgan
Weekly check-ins to help keep you accountable
✨ Printable 56-day tracker
✨ Printable Weekly Check-in
✨ Monthly "Moon" calls to help you release the crap and set intentions
Want to test out the model? Check out the FREE 5-6 day challenge.
Ready to fully commit? Check out the Light 56 8-week program.
Light 56 Definition
Light Adjective: having little weight, involving minimal difficulty or effort, moving easily, not harsh, filled with much light Verb: to set something on fire Synonyms: glow, shine, radiance Antonym: dark, heavy, shadow
56 Eight weeks. The length of two moon cycles. Number 56 means that all your material and spiritual wishes will be fulfilled when the time is right. This number promises you that the door of opportunities will open before you and it will improve your life. It encourages you not to be discouraged by failure but encouraged and more motivated by it.